Monday, November 28, 2011

We've got the beat!

Our first prenatal appointment was today, with Dr. Pham-Thomas. Daddy came with me, and we both got to see you!

You're measuring right on target, at 7 weeks and 3 days, and the doctor confirmed your due date as July 13th. We got to see you, and the yolk sac, and your little heart beating at a healthy 167 beats per minute!

At Mommy's request, Daddy also captured you on film for the first time. You can see your heart beating nice and strong.

It's such a relief to have that confirmation that everything looks good so far! Hopefully it will help ease some of that anxiety I've been feeling the last few weeks, where I had no clue what was going on in there, and if everything was okay. I still have no control over how you're developing, and I'll have to wait awhile before I get to see you again. But I have something tangible (the ultrasound photos and the video) to hang onto in the meantime.


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