Saturday, November 12, 2011

5 weeks

Yesterday marked 5 weeks (3 since you were conceived). No picture this time since it's still too early to have a belly. You're roughly the size of a sesame or apple seed now, your spine,  brain and circulatory system should be formed, and your heart just about to start beating (if it hasn't already).

sesame seeds

You also took your first trip (and first journey out of California) yesterday. Daddy and I flew to Austin, Texas to attend the wedding of our friends Janae and Phil. Janae was one of my bridesmaids. She's the last of my bridesmaids to get married (the other two were married last year).

Today also marks the 14 year anniversary of when me and daddy started dating. We were seniors in high school (at different schools), and only 17 years old. So young!

Daddy and I "met" about a year earlier on a BBS (which was essentially a pre-internet message board that was run off of someone's personal computer; users dialed in using a modem to connect and post). Daddy and I talked a little on there, but when the board we met on closed down, we temporarily lost touch. I was also active on my friend Dan's board, and daddy decided to log on there to see if he could find me. We started chatting again, and a few months later we began talking on the phone.

Over the next few months, we developed a close friendship, and finally met in person on August 8, 1997. Daddy came out to meet me at a bus stop near the doctor's office I was working at. We began hanging out every weekend, and secretly developing feelings for each other.

On November 8, we shared our first kiss. It wasn't planned or expected, but it was magical! It took us a few days to make it official though, so that's why November 12 became our dating anniversary.

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