Saturday, January 28, 2012


I think I just felt you kick/move for the first time!!!

Daddy and I just returned home from lunch and a trip to Home Depot, and I had just sat down in my chair at my computer. Next thing I know, I felt this weird sensation like something was rolling around in my pelvis. It lasted maybe a second or two, and then it was over. It certainly wasn't gas (which they say lots of women confuse the first movements with). It was such a strange and amazing sensation!

I'm glad your daddy was home for that -- even though he wouldn't have been able to feel it from the outside just yet. Earlier this morning he had been telling me that he hopes he doesn't miss anything important (like your first kicks) while he's gone in Southern California again this week for work training. You must have heard and decided to make sure that didn't happen!

Friday, January 27, 2012

16 weeks

It's hard to believe that only 16 weeks ago, I was wrapping up my training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon, and getting excited about starting to try for a baby. It was only 13 weeks ago that I was sitting in the master bathroom, staring down at the faintest line on the pregnancy test. And only 9 weeks ago that we first got to see you, as a tiny little peanut.

It's hard to believe you were once the size of a peanut! Now you're about the size of an avocado. Another source said you should be around 5 inches, or roughly the size of my open hand. I measured, and 5 inches in the distance from the tip of my pinky to the bottom of my palm -- and looking down at my hand, all I can think of is that one day soon I'll be holding you (although you'll be much bigger by then!)

This last week was pretty good. We bought your stroller. I found a really good deal on a really nice one, and we decided to grab it while the deal was still good. I also purchased the glider and ottoman (another really good deal I found) today, and those should be coming in the next few weeks. I just need to find a dresser for your nursery, and that will cover all of the major furniture. Outside of that, I'm waiting until your anatomy scan (when we should find out your gender) so I can narrow down colors and other decorations for your nursery. I can't wait to get started on it -- I have so many ideas floating around in my head!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Can you hear me now?

So, apparently you can hear now! For some reason, I thought you wouldn't gain that ability until much later (like the 4th or 5th month). I could have sworn that was what I read somewhere. But according to one of my books, "Pregnancy Day by Day", as well as the Mayo Clinic, it seems that you should have been able to hear as of last week -- or possibly within the next few days if not yet. Your daddy was a bit bummed that he "missed" the start of that, as he's been eager to start playing his music for you! (Also, it strikes me you probably won't get the reference in the title; it's a popular phrase from an old series of Verizon Wireless commercials.)

Things went well at our doctor's appointment, and we got to hear your heartbeat, which is still measuring in the 150's, according to the doctor. We didn't get any results from the NT scan and blood work, but I'm guessing everything is either fine so far, or they're waiting until the results from the second trimester blood work (which I'll do in a few weeks) come through.

Friday, January 20, 2012

15 weeks

Where's the time going? Today we've hit 15 weeks, and you're now roughly the size of an apple. No wonder I can't button most of my pants anymore!

This week, my energy level started to pick up. But I was plagued by headaches most of the week. They seem to hit me while I'm at work, so I'm wondering if it has something to do with eye strain from my computer, or the lighting in the office, or the air in the office... or something. Usually if I leave the office for a little bit (like for lunch) it starts to ease up. I've also been having some round ligament pain this week. On Wednesday I noticed my balance felt like it had shifted forward a bit when I walk, which was interesting!

Your daddy very sweetly made me dinner last night. Admittedly, we've been eating a lot of takeout the last couple of months. But it was still really nice to come home to a delicious home cooked meal. He made Belgian waffles with strawberries, and his delicious scrambled eggs, and some turkey sausage. Yum!

We have another doctor's appointment this afternoon -- this time with Dr. Pham-Thomas again. I think we might get some preliminary results from your NT scan and the blood work we also did that day, but I'm not sure. I'm not too worried though, because the NT measurement looked really good, from what I gathered.

Friday, January 13, 2012

14 weeks

Happy Friday the 13th! Not that Friday the 13th, of course. But the first of three this year! Naturally, the last one is the best, because that's your due date!

I'm still feeling tired, and hoping that lifts sometime soon. Oh, like maybe tomorrow would be a good day for my energy to come back home. My energy level is admittedly better than it was back in November, and I'm not falling asleep on the couch at like 6:30 anymore. But I still feel wiped out by later in the day, and have been heading to bed early with Daddy every night still. And here I sit, at my desk at work, at 8:40 in the morning, yawning like I had just pulled an all-nighter.

This week, you should be roughly the size of my fist. Or possibly a lemon? Hmmm... a lemon seems small to me, or maybe it's just because the peaches (your "fruit size" from last week) tend to be ginormous in the grocery store.

In updates... last Saturday I told your Great Grandma Margaret about you, and she was very happy to hear the news. I also told her about how we were able to tell your Great Grandpa Howard about you before he passed away, and that seemed to make her happy too.

On Sunday, we officially let the cat fully out of the bag. Daddy is a big fan of Converse shoes, so we posed a cute photo with me and Daddy in our black and white Converse, with your little baby converse next to us. Daddy added a little caption and then posted it onto Facebook for everyone to see. I announced on Facebook by posting the video of Nana Shirley opening her "Christmas present" with the balloons and sonogram of you inside. It's so nice to have it fully out in the open now!

We just found out yesterday that your crib should be arriving on Monday! That shipped super fast! Way faster than I expected it to, but better super early than super late. We'll need to store it in the garage for a while though, because your nursery is currently full of boxes and other stuff that still needs to be sorted through and stored away somewhere. Some of that stuff will be heading into my closet/craft room, which I'll likely work on this weekend, so hopefully soon we can have it cleared so we can start prepping it for you.

I think I had my first dream about you last night... although I'm not quite sure. In the dream, I was over at your Great Aunty Jeanette's house, and was trying to find a place to put you down for a nap. In the dream, you were a little baby girl. The dream was kind of fuzzy and vague though, so I can't feel really sure about it. It's also interesting since I keep getting "boy vibes" about you when I'm awake. The only other time I dreamed about having kids, since becoming pregnant, was back in November. But in that dream we had older kids, and there were at least two, and I think the oldest in that one was a girl too. There's certainly nothing scientific about any of these dreams or the "vibes" I've been getting, but it's interesting to speculate nonetheless!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I've never been a stranger to dreaming and remembering my dreams. My dreams tend to be very vivid and detailed, and daddy has often stared at me quizzically as I recount a dream in minute detail. He says he dreams less frequently (or at least doesn't seem to recall them like I do).

So it's not entirely surprising that one of the side effects of the pregnancy has been an increase in dreams. From my reading, I've learned this is pretty common amongst pregnant women. I've also learned that an increase in nightmares is also normal, and may be the brain's way of processing information, anxieties, fears, and deeper issues in preparation for childbirth and motherhood. One study I read about even found that pregnant women who experienced nightmares had shorter labors, by an average of an hour, and less post-partum depression.

I've had quite a few nightmares in the last few months. Some about miscarrying (mostly in the weeks after learning of the pregnancy, and before our first doctor's visit). Some about negative people from my past making an unwelcome and upsetting visit back into my present. Some about betrayal and lies from people I care about. And some about being physically attacked (or seeing loved ones be attacked). In most of my nightmares, I've noticed that I tend to fight back or stick up for myself, or otherwise try to avoid just succumbing to it. Perhaps that's representative of my mind's unconscious attempts at fighting off the fears and anxieties before your birth. I think it's certainly representative of how I've come to see myself over the years, through the struggles I've been through -- as a survivor and a fighter who refuses to be a passive participant in the outcome of my life.

Last night I had yet another bad dream. Except this one seems to have incorporated common pregnancy-related elements. For instance, water is one that tends to represent amniotic fluid, caves are symbolic of the womb, and bridges are a symbol of transition. So this one has me scratching my head a bit, wondering what more it means.

I don't recall much from the beginning of the dream, except that I had been kidnapped by two men. The two men began driving me around, and asked me to choose a zip code, and I picked one that ended in the number 10. Shortly thereafter they drove me over the Bay Bridge, discussing amongst themselves how they thought it was "odd" that I chose this particular number. As they said it, I saw the number 10 floating slowly down, through the air, before sinking deep into the water. (It'll be interesting to see if the number 10 winds up having some real-life significance at some point). Next thing I know I'm in a large, water-filled cave, and the two men are swimming, with me in their arms. At one point, I began fighting them, striking one of them in the head with a mason jar (don't know where I got it from though!) Unfortunately, I think it had little effect other than to make them mad, and soon we had made it to a very small strip of land inside the cave, where I was bound and placed into a large burlap bag. They intended to kill me, but were prolonging the experience. One of the men continued to hold me, inside the bag, and started asking me questions like "what would you like to say to the person you love the most". I had stopped struggling at this point, because I suddenly had this vision or sense that I was going to survive this. I saw myself, in the near future, breaking water outside the cave, and taking in a big gulp of air -- safe from harm. For the moment, I was still in danger -- trapped and bound, and unable to move or do much of anything. So I relaxed and began to zone out as the questions came at me, trying to trust that my vision would be right. And then I woke up.

Perhaps it's symbolic of the birth process somehow. Perhaps I was representing you -- the tiny fetus inside my cavernous, water-filled womb, and being placed in the bag symbolized your own helplessness and your inability to effectively see or manipulate your environment while in my belly. Perhaps me seeing my future self break through the water and gasp for air was symbolic of your birth and first breath of life. Perhaps the bridge was symbolic of my transition from being just me to being a mother. Who, or what, the men represent, I'm not sure... Maybe my fears and anxieties of becoming a mother (because we all have them), and my struggling against them was me struggling to overcome my fears and anxieties. Or maybe they represented me feeling like a force beyond my control has taken control of me and is taking me into motherhood. That's not to say that I have any doubts about becoming a mother -- I've wanted this for a long time -- but it's still somewhat scary and new, and will undoubtedly be life changing. It might make sense given that I've often felt like my body is no longer under my control since becoming pregnant. And in the end, me just giving in to my faith that I will survive, is my mind's way of telling me that there's no need to fight it, because it will all turn out well in the end.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ultrasound #3

So daddy made it after all! Yay!

Everything is looking good. We haven't gotten any official results back (we'll have to wait until the bloodwork is done for preliminary results, and then for some follow-up bloodwork and another scan for final results), but based on the measurements I saw the sonogram technician take, and my knowledge about how these tests work, you should be in a perfectly healthy range.

Obviously, we got to see you again. Although we didn't get to take any video this time. The sonogram technician was nice enough to put some photos on a CD for us, including some 3D and 4D images! That was a new one! The technician noted that you were being "shy" (with your little hand covering your eye/face), but also said you were "very cooperative". The shyness you definitely get from your father... but I don't know where you get the cooperativeness from!

3D ultrasound 

4D ultrasound
This appointment was full of lots of fun surprises and new experiences -- we also got to actually HEAR your heartbeat for the first time! Up until now, we had only ever seen it. Your heartbeat measured in at a nice, strong 158 beats per minute.

You measured a bit ahead again, at 13 weeks and 3 days (you should be at 13 weeks exactly). A little closer than we were at our last appointment. But, perhaps you are just going to be tall like your daddy. I'm just going to have to get used to the idea of being the family midget. Oh well... more people to someday reach things off of high shelves for me!

13 weeks

Bye-bye first tri! While I've seen some variation on when the second trimester "officially" begins (some say at 12 weeks, others at 13 or 14 weeks), I've decided to just split the difference and call it at 13 weeks. Technically, at this point, I've completed 13 weeks, and am starting on my 14th week. So, close enough.

Now you should be about the size of a peach. Which also sounds really delicious right now. Too bad they're not in season!

My belly is definitely starting to stick out more, and I feel like I have a noticeable bump. Maybe some of it is "food baby". But whatever it is, it just stays popped out now (whereas before, it would sometimes flatten down some). I'm getting singled out on the BART train sometimes now too, and offered a seat.

Today we have our nuchal translucency scan, which is an ultrasound designed to help assess your risk for having certain chromosomal and other defects, such as Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, Spina Bifida, etc. It only tells you a risk statistic (like 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 200), and even if you're "high risk" it doesn't mean you have any problems. If any of our risk levels are high, we'll need to look at further diagnostic testing to find out for sure. I feel pretty calm about it. I know that if there is something wrong, there's nothing I can do to change it at this point. And I feel it would be better to know, so we can prepare to take the best care of you possible. I am feeling kind of sad though that your daddy may not be able to make it today. Work is really busy for him right now, and the appointment is in the middle of his work day. He's going to try though. I know we'll get to see you again, so I do really hope he gets to be there for that. Finger's crossed.

So, after feeling better for a couple of days, the fatigue bus drove back into town and ran me over again. The last few days I've been feeling exhausted again. I've also been sniffling, and am wondering if I might have a slight cold. Daddy was sick with a cold a week or so ago (although he seemed to have it worse than I do), so perhaps I caught that. It's not too bad though, mostly just a slightly stuffed nose, on one side. Maybe that's contributing to how tired I feel too. Also, that one, glorious night where I didn't wake up to pee? Total fluke. Starting the next night, it was business as usual!

We told some more people this last week, including JT and Aaron, and the Muhleman's (our other neighbors). I also told Aunty Jess, who was super excited and said she can't wait to buy you something with monkeys on it! I told my work this week too, and despite my worrying over the last couple of months that it was "obvious" neither my boss nor the 3 admins seemed to have any clue!

I also ordered your crib today! Daddy and I decided back in November or December on a wrought iron crib we found online, that we both really loved. I spent a while researching it first, to be sure it was the right decision for us. After deciding it was, I found a good deal on it in the past few days and decided to strike while the iron was hot. We love how it has a vintage look, and can also be converted to three different styles. We'll probably use this for your future brother or sister as well, so it's nice that we'll be able to change it up for them. From my research, it looks like it should hold up really well to multiple uses too. I've seen many people say it still looks brand new for the next kid.