Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Reveal

Christmas morning, Daddy and I headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Guerra's for brunch with them and Uncle Jason and Aunt Yen. At the tail end of our gift exchange, Daddy brought out a large box for your grandparents to open. Inside was a bunch of pink and blue helium balloons with a copy of one of the ultrasound pictures attached to the strings. Daddy captured the whole thing on video.

Later that day, we all headed over to Nana's house for dinner. There was a lot of family there, including Uncle Andy and Aunt Sandra, cousins Kayla and Lily, Uncle Jeff, Great Aunty Jeanette and Great Uncle Chris (as well as their roommate), Great Uncle Donald, Great Uncle David and Great Aunt Dora, and daddy's family came too. Right after we did our White Elephant gift exchange, I brought the box in for Nana to open. Nana's reaction was priceless! I keep cracking up at the scene in my head of Nana throwing the balloons to Great Aunty Jeanette (her sister)!

Then last night I told Alicia about it. She was very excited too! Didn't get that one on video, but there was jumping up and down and screaming!

It's definitely nice to have it out, and to not have to worry so much about hiding it anymore (although it cracks me up how many people claimed they "knew it!" or had side bets going on regarding whether I was pregnant)! We still have a few more close friends we plan to tell this week, and I also need to go see your Great Grandma Margaret to tell her, and the rest of that side of the family. But in another week or so, we'll probably be completely public with it!

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