Monday, February 20, 2012

It's a....

We had our anatomy scan this morning, where they check you out from head to toe to make sure everything is looking good. And as part of that, we got to find out whether you're a boy or girl!

Poor daddy is sick with a cold right now, and feeling pretty miserable (I really, really hope you inherit my immune system!), but was such a trooper driving us out to Fremont for the scan. Unfortunately, the way the way the computer screen was angled, I really couldn't see what was going on at all, but daddy got to relax in a chair right across from it and watch. So, I spent most of the time either watching your daddy's face (it was so sweet to see him smiling as he watched you on the monitor), staring at the ceiling, or trying to summon supernatural powers to see around corners. She did give me a little peek in the very beginning, and at the very end, as well as when she announced your sex.

About half way through the technician asked if we'd like to find out the sex then or later (we still had a ways to go with the rest of the exam). Both daddy and I didn't hesitate to say "now, please!" The technician turned the monitor so I could see it, and zoomed in on the "area of interest". Right away I saw three little lines, but waited for the technician to say anything first, in case I was looking at the wrong thing. As soon as she pointed at those three little lines, and asked if we saw them, I knew! When she announced that it was a girl, I turned to your daddy who was grinning from ear to ear, and tearing up (awwwwwww!) as we reached for each other's hands. Our little girl!

We haven't gotten the results back from the rest of the scan just yet, since we have to wait for our doctor to review them and call us. Hopefully we'll hear something tomorrow, and hopefully everything will be good.

We also let with a few new pictures of you in hand.

Perfect profile picture
Front shot of your face, with one of your arms at the top
Front shot of your face
Holding your hands and arms up to your face

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