Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Your daddy is currently on his way home from Reno, along with Grandma Joan, Uncle Jason and Aunty Yen. They headed up there yesterday to attend the funeral for daddy's Great Aunt Dot, who passed away somewhat unexpectedly last week.

Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Joan, Grandpa Rick, Great Aunt Dot, Uncle Jason, Aunty Yen

Aunt Dot was such a sweet, wonderful woman. I first met her probably 10 years ago at the family reunion (for Grandma Joan's side of the family). Aunt Dot had this immediate warmth and friendliness to her, and when she talked to you, you really felt like she cared about what you were saying. She was someone who exuded spirit, and was a lot of fun to be around. And she struck me as being someone who was very strong, mentally and emotionally, which is a trait I admire greatly in other women. I'll definitely miss her presence at future family reunions and gatherings.

Your daddy and I don't tend to celebrate Valentine's Day. Instead we agree that it's much more important that we express our love and appreciation for each other throughout the year. Plus, for me, I'd much rather your daddy surprise me on some random day with a gesture of affection/romance than show up at home with a gift that was practically picked out for him by the store he bought it from. Valentine's Day just makes it too easy. Last year, for instance, your daddy really surprised me by sending me flowers to work on a random Thursday in April. Included with the flowers was a sweet note declaring it "Awesome Wife Day". Even better, the next day I received a yummy candy apple as a follow up to that! Way more meaningful than a heart shaped box of chocolates and a dozen roses on Valentine's Day. Every time your daddy does sweet, thoughtful little things like that, it totally melts my heart!

Okay... gotta run! Your daddy and the gang just got home, and I need to dash so I can greet him with a big hug and kiss!

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