Friday, April 6, 2012

26 weeks

Another week down! Not only are we now at week 26, we also hit double digits yesterday! As of today, there are only 98 days until your due date. 

Last weekend your daddy and I decided to take it a bit easy. It feels like we've just been constantly occupied with stuff every weekend, and with time ticking away, that's not going to get much better, because we still have so much to do (we haven't even really started on your nursery yet!). On Saturday, we went and saw the movie "The Hunger Games" with JT, Aaron and Adam. Then on Sunday, Daddy took me out to Half Moon Bay, so we could go to Sam's Chowder House for one of their famous lobster rolls, which I've been craving for a couple of months now. The weather on Saturday had been really ugly, but on Sunday it completely cleared up and was beautiful outside, so we were hardly the only ones out there! Originally we were told there would be a 90 minute wait for a table, but we decided to brave it since that's why we came out there. Turned out to only be a 45 minute wait, thankfully, since I was hungry!


The lobster roll was incredibly delicious. Buttery and lobstery and *drooooool* -- so good! We also enjoyed some delicious clam chowder -- one of our faves.

Afterward, we stopped by Venice Beach (the one in Half Moon Bay, not the one in Southern California, obviously!) and got out to walk along the beach a bit. It was pretty windy out (as I'm sure you can tell from the wild state of my hair in the pictures), but a beautiful day nonetheless. We couldn't really find a good place to settle on the beach, because the wind kept whipping up the sand, so we ended up sitting in the back of Daddy's Explorer, with the hatch open, for a little bit, enjoying the view and the fresh ocean air.

Daddy forgot to give me sufficient warning on this one!
I had today off from work, for Good Friday, although sadly Daddy didn't. But, I certainly made the most of it! I woke up this morning, to a nice little surprise from Daddy on my nightstand. He left me a dark chocolate and almond candy bar with a  little "I love you" written on it. So sweet!

Unfortunately, I couldn't dive into it just yet, because I was in the middle of fasting for my gestational diabetes test this morning. I got to the lab a little after 8:15 am, and started the "hurry up and wait" process. Finally, at about 8:40, they called me back and took the first vial of blood. Then the lab technician handed me a chilled bottle of this orange drink. I've heard countless people complain dramatically about how "nasty" and "horrible" it is, and how they had such a hard time drinking it in the allotted five minutes -- so naturally, I wasn't looking forward to it. The lab tech told me I had 5 minutes to finish it, and then turned his back to tend to something else. I cracked it open, and downed the whole bottle in three big gulps, within 30 seconds. It wasn't that awful! Tasted kind of like orange soda (although, I'm not a fan of soda at all, but still I was expecting way worse based on everyone's complaints). At that point, the lab tech glanced back at me, to find me waving an empty bottle at him. He looked up at the clock and started laughing, and professing amazement that I had finished it so fast! He then sent me out to the waiting room for the next hour, until my second blood draw. I put on one of my Hypnobabies lessons, and spent the next 35 minutes practicing my techniques. That made the hour fly right by. Soon, I was called in for blood draw #2, and then sent back out for another hour wait. I had a banana sitting in my bag, so I could eat something after the test was over, and the smell kept tempting me. But I kept myself distracted in that next hour by working on the blanket I'm knitting for you, and doing a little reading. Overall, I felt pretty decent, although hungry, which was another surprise. I had previously seen so many people complain about how awful the test made them feel -- including vomiting (or the desire to), feeling shaky, feeling lightheaded, etc. It was even common to see people likening it to torture. Sure, I was hungry, and salivating over the thought of that banana, but I wouldn't have called it torture. I walked in to give my last vial of blood, and then bee-lined it for my car where I devoured that banana!

As I was typing the above, the results from my test came in! And it's good news -- no gestational diabetes!!! Yay! In fact, none of my numbers were even close to the abnormal reading threshold. That's a huge relief!

Unfortunately, it looks like not all was perfect though. They also did a standard blood workup, and some numbers were outside the normal range. Most notably, according to the note from my doctor, my platelet count was low (at 137, when it should be between 150-400). She said "sometimes, the platelets can go low during pregnancy.... They are not so low now that we need to treat it, but if they continue to go too low, that can prevent you from being able to get any regional anesthesia (e.g. epidural) during labor." Funny that my first reaction was to think "eh, I'm hoping to not get an epidural anyway!" Of course, I need to do some research, to find out what other risks/issues are associated. And my doctor is going to have me come back in a month to have it checked again, and then likely again right before your due date. She didn't mention it in her email to me, but I also noticed that my red blood cell count was a tiny bit low, my MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) tiny bit high, and lymphocytes were low. I'll need to do a little research on these things to figure out what it all means, and whether I need to be concerned. But, hopefully it's all either a fluke, or not a huge deal!

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