So, apparently you can hear now! For some reason, I thought you wouldn't gain that ability until much later (like the 4th or 5th month). I could have sworn that was what I read somewhere. But according to one of my books, "Pregnancy Day by Day", as well as the Mayo Clinic, it seems that you should have been able to hear as of last week -- or possibly within the next few days if not yet. Your daddy was a bit bummed that he "missed" the start of that, as he's been eager to start playing his music for you! (Also, it strikes me you probably won't get the reference in the title; it's a popular phrase from an old series of Verizon Wireless commercials.)
Things went well at our doctor's appointment, and we got to hear your heartbeat, which is still measuring in the 150's, according to the doctor. We didn't get any results from the NT scan and blood work, but I'm guessing everything is either fine so far, or they're waiting until the results from the second trimester blood work (which I'll do in a few weeks) come through.
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