It's hard to believe that only 16 weeks ago, I was wrapping up my training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon, and getting excited about starting to try for a baby. It was only 13 weeks ago that I was sitting in the master bathroom, staring down at the faintest line on the pregnancy test. And only 9 weeks ago that we first got to see you, as a tiny little peanut.
It's hard to believe you were once the size of a peanut! Now you're about the size of an avocado. Another source said you should be around 5 inches, or roughly the size of my open hand. I measured, and 5 inches in the distance from the tip of my pinky to the bottom of my palm -- and looking down at my hand, all I can think of is that one day soon I'll be holding you (although you'll be much bigger by then!)
avocado |
This last week was pretty good. We bought your stroller. I found a really good deal on a really nice one, and we decided to grab it while the deal was still good. I also purchased the glider and ottoman (another really good deal I found) today, and those should be coming in the next few weeks. I just need to find a dresser for your nursery, and that will cover all of the major furniture. Outside of that, I'm waiting until your anatomy scan (when we should find out your gender) so I can narrow down colors and other decorations for your nursery. I can't wait to get started on it -- I have so many ideas floating around in my head!
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