4 weeks until our due date! It's not enough time! Heck, you could come any time now, really. And I don't feel fully prepared. The good news is that if you did come at any point after now, you should be pretty good. You could stand a little more baking time for optimal lung development and such. And mama could stand a little more time for getting the nursery situated, transitioning out at work, and maybe even relaxing a little during the time I've arranged to take off before the due date.
I've been doing pretty good this last week. I'm definitely seeing more swelling in my feet by the latter half of the day. Although, I'm still able to fit in most of my old shoes (except a few pairs that were really snug to begin with), so that's a good thing! Last night I woke in the middle of the night with a cramp in my right leg, on the outside of the calf. I know it's pretty common with pregnancy, especially in the second half, but this was a first for me. Daddy helped me massage it out, and brought me water and prepared a hot water bottle. After a few minutes, it finally subsided.
Last night we had another doctor's appointment. We got to have another ultrasound (although we didn't get any copies of the pictures) to check your position. You're definitely head down! We got to see your nice, round melon of a head on the monitor, way down low right where we want it. She also was able to pull up your heart, so we could see that beating nice and strong. Everything else looked good, except that my blood pressure was a little high -- but I had also had a stressful day, and had a feeling my blood pressure was going to be high at the appointment. Hopefully next week it will be back to normal.
I've been working some more on getting your nursery set up. I finally finished making the crib skirt. I still need to lengthen the curtains, and hang stuff on the walls. Nana Shirley gave me a bag of old baby clothes -- some of which were things she wore as a baby, and some were from when I was a baby. I spent some time sorting through it tonight and picking a few things to frame and hang in the room. Nana used these garments at the baby shower to decorate the back patio.
Nana Shirley's outfits from when she was a baby |
The Christening outfit Nana Shirley made for me, when I was a baby |
Nana Shirley and me, in the Christening gown she made for me, April 1981 |
The outfit Nana Shirley brought me home form the hospital in |
My first Christmas outfit |
One of my baby sweaters |
One of my baby outfits |
Another baby outfit that belonged to me |
A few of my baby shoes -- the yellow ones have little ducky heads and feet on them |
Some of my bibs, and a bonnet of mine |
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