Friday, April 13, 2012

27 weeks

We're now in the third trimester! Where did the last two go? It's also a Friday the 13th (the second of three this year), and thus exactly three months until your due date.

Sunday was Easter, and we spent it over at Nana Shirley's for dinner. It was also the five year anniversary from the day your Daddy proposed to me (which was also an Easter Sunday).

On that day, five years ago, Daddy had called me in the morning and asked if I wanted to grab lunch before he went to work. He picked me up shortly thereafter, and to my surprise began heading over the San Mateo bridge. We hadn't discussed where we were going for lunch, but something told me not to say anything. I think your Daddy realized I was likely to become suspicious, because he said "...". Soon, we were all the way in Half Moon Bay, and heading south on Highway 1. I started worrying because I couldn't think of any restaurants down that way!

We pulled off the road at the Pigeon Point Lighthouse, in Pescadero, and Daddy pulled out a picnic basket and led me over to a bench overlooking the ocean. We enjoyed a delicious lunch he had prepared for us, and afterward he pulled out a large, paper "Easter egg" from See's Candy and said he had dessert. I opened the egg (which Daddy had carefully and cleverly resealed to make it look like he had just bought it from the store), and found a black pouch with a ring box inside!

Inside the box was the ring that your Daddy and I had picked out a few weeks earlier, at an estate store in San Francisco. Your Daddy explained that he had chosen the lighthouse because he had dreamed about it in the weeks before, and realized that it represented how he and I would guide each other through life, like a lighthouse guides ships to shore. He then asked me to marry him, and I replied "of course!" (One funny side note: originally your Daddy didn't get down on one knee, until I pointed it out to him and he replied "I didn't want to get my pants dirty!" But he did drop to one knee anyway before placing the ring on my finger!)

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