Friday, March 16, 2012

23 weeks

Happy 23 week preg-iversary! This week you should be measuring around the size of a large mango, and weigh about a full pound!

large mango

You're definitely doing a lot more moving around in there, and some of your kicks are hard enough to make my breath catch a bit. I feel you roughly every couple of hours, and you usually kick and move about for a few minutes before settling back down. Daddy still hasn't felt you yet, but we haven't tried much in the last week. I think Daddy might be getting a little discouraged, and I'm becoming hesitant to call his attention to the kicking every time I feel it (and he's around) so I don't make him feel even more discouraged if he doesn't feel anything. Instead, I've been trying to feel my belly more with my hand to see if I can figure out if there's a good spot or pressure or something that might help. Of course, it doesn't help that you usually stop kicking when Daddy puts his hands on my belly, and even do the same to me sometimes!

Last weekend, Daddy and I took our first trip to Babies R Us together (and my first trip there since getting pregnant). There were a few things I wanted to check out in person before I listed them on our registry, and then we ended up wandering the entire store looking at things. Unfortunately, shopping is not your daddy's thing, and while he was certainly trying to be a good sport about it, towards the end he started getting kind of cranky and I could tell he was ready to go. It was cute watching him get excited over a few things -- like the display of baby Chucks (he was cooing over some pink high tops, and telling me that he knew what baby's first Christmas present from Daddy was going to be), and this cute, pink upholstered toddler arm chair.

On Tuesday evening we met with the doula we're planning to hire, and who we hope will be there for us when you're born (it's possible we may have her back-up with us, if you're born the week after your due date, because she has a scheduled family trip that week). We both liked her, and I think she'll be a big help in supporting me in trying to have a natural childbirth.

For the most part I've been feeling pretty good. Some tiredness this week (partially due, I think, to the time change on Sunday, and the fact that the weather has been miserable and wet all week), a bit of ankle/feet swelling by the end of the work day, and some random pains that have come and gone (lower back, bottom of my left foot, and what feels like muscle soreness in the groin area). Nothing to really complain about!

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