Friday, December 23, 2011

11 weeks

We've hit 11 weeks today! Yesterday we had our second prenatal appointment, this time with Laura Ahn, the Nurse Practitioner we'll be seeing every other month. It turned out to be a very exciting appointment because we got to have another ultrasound!

Despite knowing that you're growing like a weed inside of me, I was still kind of shocked to see how big you had gotten versus our ultrasound from 3.5 weeks ago. You now looked like a baby instead of a little peanut, with noticeable arms and legs. You even waved to us and danced around for a bit, before finally deciding you were bored. Dr. Ahn kept trying to get you to roll over a bit so she could get a nice face shot, but you weren't falling for it. Stubborn like your parents! 

While we didn't get to hear your heartbeat just yet, we did get to see it beating nicely on the ultrasound screen. Dr. Ahn also pointed out your brain to us, and we got a nice look at your face at one point (she just didn't print the picture out because she was hoping to get a better one). Daddy took some video, which shows you dancing around and the frontal shot.

She also measured your crown to rump length, and it turned out you were measuring at 11 weeks and 4 days! A full 5 days ahead of where you should be! Since I was meticulously charting my cycles, I know when I ovulated, and thus exactly where we should be, and 11 weeks and 4 days just wouldn't have been possible. Dr. Ahn said that it's nothing to worry about, since all babies grow at different rates, and that it just shows that you're growing very well. I also read later that sometimes babies will have growing spurts, and then slow down again for a few days. Perhaps we caught you just after one of those spurts. And then there's the possibility that you're just going to be a big kid. After all, your daddy is 6'2", and was 9 lbs 9 oz when he was born. This week you should be measuring at about the size of a fig.


Last week was a bit rough with the fatigue. I'm sure the travel to Boston last week didn't help. Saturday night, your daddy and I went out to dinner and came home about 6:30. It was cold, so we decided to crawl into bed and watch TV and snuggle. Except we didn't last long -- we both fell asleep not long after. We woke for a little bit around 10, and watched the end of a movie on TV before turning back in for the night (I also used a little of that time to have my second episode of vomiting since getting pregnant -- but I think it was from eating too much at dinner). I got up a little after 7 the next morning. It felt nice to sleep for so long, although I was still exhausted later that day. I've been falling asleep on the couch pretty early every night, and going to bed early with your daddy (who has to be up like an hour and a half before I do for work. I keep hearing it gets better in the second trimester, so I'm looking forward to that. It has been really rough to prepare for Christmas with being so exhausted and not having any time in the evenings to get stuff done (since I'm going to bed so early).

This upcoming week is going to be a very exciting one! We're announcing to the family on Christmas! I've got this whole surprise worked out, and I hope it goes well. Since we're having brunch at your Grandma and Grandpa Guerra's Christmas morning, we'll surprise them first. And then we'll be heading over to Nana Shirley's house for dinner, where we'll get to surprise her. Later next week we'll start telling our closest friends, and then probably announce more broadly after the New Year. I'm certainly looking forward to not having to hide it anymore!

Okay, get your rest my sweet baby, and mommy will try to too. Lots of exciting things to come!

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