Friday, November 25, 2011

7 weeks

7 weeks today! Symptoms have still been fairly mild. I've had a few days of feeling kind of "icky", and some soreness returning to my breasts, and I still get fatigued by mid day (particularly when I'm at work). But, overall I feel pretty good.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. We spent it at Grandma Margaret's, with my dad's side of the family. I brought mashed sweet potatoes with a brown sugar pecan crust. They were a hit! I definitely ate too much, and by the end of the evening I had a good sized food baby. It made me feel kind of icky later in the evening though, so I guess I'll have to take it easy for the rest of the holiday season.

Monday we have our first prenatal appointment. I'm really hoping we get to see you or hear your heartbeat. But I'm not really sure what to expect at this point.


The books I've been reading have you at roughly the size of a blueberry now -- you're growing up so fast! Your little hands and feet and elbows should be forming. I wonder if you'll have my thumbs... I have something called brachydactyly type D (aka "clubbed thumbs"), which causes my thumbs to be short and wide at the tip. My thumbs also bend 90 degrees backward, with little effort, which I'm not sure is directly related to the clubbed thumb thing. Apparently it's an inherited, dominant trait, so you just might!

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