Dear baby in my belly,
This morning I learned that you had begun your journey through life, deep within my belly. Although you don't know it, it's Halloween today, and the house is all decorated and the candy bowl filled and waiting. But you had your own little trick or treat surprise in store for me!
I tested this morning, using a very sensitive pregnancy test, and saw the faintest of lines. I've come to learn, through my research on trying to conceive you, that "a line is a line", even if it's faint! I'm only 10 days past ovulation (I can just see your future self cringing and thinking "Moooooom! Too much information!"), so it's to be expected that the line is very light. It should get stronger in the coming days.
I haven't told your daddy yet. I left him this morning, snuggled up in bed (it's his day off today). For now, I'm the only person in the world who knows you exist. It's a delicious, wonderful, special little secret, which I'm savoring for now because in a few short months, there will be no hiding you!
I plan to tell your daddy about you tonight. About two weeks ago I purchased your first pair of shoes -- a pair of baby black and white Converse "sneakers". Your daddy is a big fan of Converse shoes, so I know he's going to love them. I plan to wrap them up and give them to him tonight as a "Halloween present". I can't wait to see his reaction! I'm hoping to capture it on camera, but I can't seem to find the video camera, and didn't want to do too much digging around and make daddy suspicious (you can't get much past him; he's always alert and observant -- something you'll probably hate when you get older and start asserting your independence).
Your first pair of Converse |
Not only did I learn about you on Halloween, but your estimated due date (based on conception date) is July 13th, 2012 -- which happens to be Friday the 13th! That makes you mommy's little monster. <3
I'm so excited to carry you for the next nine months, and can't wait to meet you next July. I've been hoping for and wanting you for a long time now, and finally that time has come. You're about to change our lives in a big way, and I couldn't be more thrilled!